prof. Ph.D. Igor Prpić, MD
Specialist in pediatrics
Narrower specialization (subspecialization) in pediatric neurology
Narrower specialization (subspecialization) in neonatology
KBC Rijeka and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rijeka
Clinic for Pediatrics, Institute of Neurology and Child Psychiatry, Rijeka, Croatia
Reference center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia for epilepsy and convulsive diseases of developmental age
Doctoral School of the University of Rijeka
Born in Rijeka, October 20, 1962. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka in 1987, defended his master’s thesis in 1992 in the field of head injuries in children, and his doctoral dissertation in 1998 in the field of spectral analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings. He completed three postgraduate university studies (General Clinical Pathophysiology, Developmental Medicine and Healthcare Management). He has been a full-time professor in a permanent position since 2014. Member of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences since 2016. He has been employed at KBC Rijeka since 1992 and at the Faculty of Medicine since 2002. He has been a specialist in pediatrics since 1997 and a subspecialist in neonatology since 2007. In 2009, he obtained a second subspecialization in the field of child neurology. He held the position of Head of the Department of Neonatology of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, KBC Rijeka, Head of the Pediatric Clinic of KBC Rijeka. For two terms, he held the position of Vice Dean for Business Relations at the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka.
He is the head of the Department of Neurology and Child Psychiatry of the Clinic for Pediatrics of KBC Rijeka. He is the head of the “Reference Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia for Epilepsy and Convulsive Diseases of Developmental Age”. He is the head of the Doctoral School of the University of Rijeka. He is the manager of several scientific projects, national and international, in the field of children’s epileptology and the toxic effect of environmental factors on the psychomotor development of children.
Member of the editorial board of scientific journals (Croatian Medical Journal, Medicina Fulminensis, Gynaecologia et perinatologia). He is a reviewer for several recognized international and domestic magazines. He is an evaluator of international and national scientific projects, as well as a reporter for several faculty study programs.
He has published more than 200 professional-scientific papers in cited literature, is the author of chapters in several professional books and teaching literature for students in the field of child neurology. Actively participated in numerous international and domestic congresses (over 400 congress announcements). He was invited as a lecturer at a number of scientific and professional congresses, symposia, and meetings.
He is an active member of several scientific-professional domestic and/or international societies, in some of which he participates in executive functions (vice-president of the Croatian League against Epilepsy, Croatian Society for Pediatric Neurology, Croatian Medical Chamber).
He has received recognitions and awards for his professional and social activities on several occasions.
He is a member of several professional committees, international and national, and participates in drafting and adopting guidelines for the treatment of children suffering from neurological diseases (epilepsy, headache, autism, febrile convulsions, ceroid lipofuscinosis).
His narrower area of interest is childhood epilepsies with headaches and neuro-developmental disorders (autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-ADHD, learning disorders) as well as the influence of prenatal exposure to environmental factors on the development of the central nervous system.
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