At our polyclinic we offer

examinations of newborns and infants with assessment of neurological and somatic development


we carry out systematic examinations for enrollment in kindergarten

consultation center on newborn care

hip ultrasound

examination, diagnosis and necessary laboratory tests for an acutely ill child with the necessary therapy and explanation of the application of therapy

laboratory blood and microbiological tests performed in a partner laboratory

rapid tests for current viruses and bacteria

inhalation applications


intravenous and intramuscular therapy

intravenous rehydration


In our polyclinic, in order to protect all our children, we take care of the division of healthy and acutely ill children, and we ask all parents who come for an appointed examination with an acutely ill child to adhere to the agreed time slot and, upon arrival at the Pediatrics Plus area, direct them to our isolation waiting room.