Pediatrics Plus_nastavna baza

The Faculty of Health Studies at the University of Rijeka, as a public health institution, is dedicated to educating non-medical health personnel, thereby contributing to the regulation of health and ethical standards and the quality of healthcare services.

The Faculty of Health Studies at the University of Rijeka is the only faculty in the Republic of Croatia exclusively and entirely focused on undergraduate and graduate (university) education of non-medical professionals in healthcare. 

In the tradition inherited from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Rijeka, from which it originated, the Faculty of Health Studies concurrently engages in and develops educational and scientific research activities. Therefore, it proudly emphasizes that students acquire integrated subject knowledge and skills during their studies, as well as the ability for independent and critical knowledge assessment, solving specific issues, engaging in research work, and ultimately, understanding important ethical considerations. Apart from the quality of the educational process, studying in Rijeka is enjoyable due to numerous sports and social activities organized by student organizations, as well as the pleasant Mediterranean and Central European environment offered by the city of Rijeka – Dean Prof. Dr. Daniela Malnar, MD.


Through the contract of educational and scientific collaboration, Pediatrics Plus Clinic has become the educational base for the Faculty of Health Studies at the University of Rijeka. The signing of this agreement will enhance practical education and increase the integration of theoretical and practical teaching for all students of health studies in Rijeka with Pediatrics Plus Clinic. Additionally, continuous medical education programs will be organized and implemented.